Here’s a suggestion for everyone who is feeling a little overwhelmed and helpless. This morning I got a call from the New York Blood Center. I am a regular blood donor, and they call me routinely. It’s another way to give back. The blood center caller said that they are in urgent need of blood and platelet donors, as supplies are critically low. I was out the door in about five minutes. Here’s what I found.
The New York Blood Center is known for running an extremely clean operation, but they have upped their game, going above and beyond public health guidelines. It is safe to give blood. They disinfect their donation sites frequently and are taking every extra precaution to prevent any person-to-person spread of COVID-19. They are only collecting blood from healthy individuals and those that meet all requirements.
A special note to anyone who is O-Negative – we are considered the “universal” blood donor, as our blood type can be used by anyone. While we can only receive O-Negative blood, anyone can receive our blood. I feel like I have a special responsibility to give blood, another reason I am a regular donor.
Here’s a link to the New York Blood Center – the site has info about where you can give blood, who can give blood and how to make an appointment.
If you are healthy and have not been exposed to anyone with COVID-19, please take this opportunity to step up and do something for the good of our community. You’ll feel better, especially if you have been feeling like there’s nothing you can do. You can do something – you can give blood!